All the Stuff

... and I've decided to start posting a bunch of journalizm that lays out the rot of profits-before-people corporate culture in the US.

I have been banned from Facebook and Messenger for 6 months for complaining about actual dick pics being used on approved sponsored ads on their platform. I'm telling you this because, as of now, I have no ability to scrape for events on Facebook. Promoters, DJs, producers, you absolutely have to send me your events, release announcements to [email protected] or they will not be posted because I will not know they exist. This is the only way things are gonna work from here on out.
Somewhere between "I downloaded a free DJ app" and "I opened for Tiesto", lies the sweet middle ground of 1000 SoundCloud followers. And in that meager, muddled, Minneapolis middle? DJ SoundCloudie! Yes, that SoundCloudie, the one who's only one faulty basement circuit away from being "that guy who killed the vibe last Saturday".