I've Been Zucc'd

I have been banned from Facebook and Messenger for 6 months for complaining about actual dick pics being used on approved sponsored ads on their platform. I'm telling you this because, as of now, I have no ability to scrape for events on Facebook. Promoters, DJs, producers, you absolutely have to send me your events, release announcements to [email protected] or they will not be posted because I will not know they exist. This is the only way things are gonna work from here on out.

This is a good time to reiterate why mnVibe exists. I want to demonstrate to people that creating your own domain with your own content free of social media shit-posting, flame war, doomscrolling, is not only possible but very easy. While I highly suggest using open source software whenever possible, I understand that it comes with the cost of extra ramp-up time, knowledge needed to configure and maintain OSS software. There are many cheap alternatives. Some free. Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, NeoCities, SDF.org, Google Drive, Github, etc. There are too many options available. I implore you to research and take the time to create little domains with your own spin and creativity, sharing things you care about, free from the toxic enshittified cesspools of Facebook, IG, Twitter, etc. It's fun, it's a source of pride and it provides new outlets to share things that would otherwise get lost in a whirlpool of spam posts and mediocre memetic content.

Take a look at this great archive of old Geocities websites. https://www.cameronsworld.net/ They're cute, they're dumb, they're broken, but most importantly, they were made by hand by a bunch of nerds new to the then new world wide web. Social media cannot replace what these sites represented to the people who made them and visited them. They reek of quirky personality and stand as monuments to their creators. There's no reason we can't still do this today.